ChaosUT2, das wir auf unserem RPG-Server laufen haben, wurde auf Version 376 geupdated. Wer weiter auf unserem Server spielen will, muss das Update einspielen, sonst gibt's beim Connecten version mismatches. Patch 376 und die Vollversion liegt u.a. in unserer Filebase.
ChaosUT2, running on our rpg-server, became patched to version 376. Anyone who wants to continue playing on our server must install the patch, otherwise there will be version mismatches at connecting time. We serve patch 376 and the full chaosut-package in our filebase.
ChaosUT2, running on our rpg-server, became patched to version 376. Anyone who wants to continue playing on our server must install the patch, otherwise there will be version mismatches at connecting time. We serve patch 376 and the full chaosut-package in our filebase.
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