Range: -3 to 5
A weapon with no text, only a +/- rating (e.g. \"Rocket Launcher +3\")
deals 10% more (for +) or less (for -) damage for each +/- (so a Bio
Rifle +3 deals 30% more damage).
Range: -2 to -1
This weapon takes adrenaline from you equal to 2% of the damage
caused by it for each minus.
Range: 1 to 3
Each + gives you adrenaline equal to 2% of the damage caused by it
and deals an additional 3% damage.
Range: 1 to 5
Each + makes projectiles shot by this weapon 20% faster and do an
additional 2% damage.
Range: 3 to 6
Slows the target down. Each + deals an additional 2% damage and
slows the target down for an additional second. And yes, you can
freeze yourself.
NOTE: Freezing weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF games,
nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: -3 to -1
Each minus deals an additional 1% damage to you.
Range: 1 to 3
(Max Healing is +50)
This weapon heals teammates (including pets and yourself in the case
of weapons such as the bio rifle). A message is displayed showing
you who has healed you. You can now also gain 10% experience for
healing others. You do not gain exp for healing yourself, or for
healing self-damage (e.g. if Arcadun hits himself with his own flak,
you can heal him but you do not gain exp for healing that portion of
the damage).
Range: -2 to 4
This weapon has infinite ammo. Each + (or -) does 3% more (or less)
Range: 2 to 6
The attributes of this weapon type are harder to express due to it\'s
complexity. At a high level, the more damage you do, the further
back your opponent will be pushed, and the more often you can repeat
the knockback. Each + deals an additional 2% damage.
NOTE: Knockback weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF games,
nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: 2 to 7
While holding this weapon, fortune smiles upon you. Useful pickups
seem to materialize out of thin air in front of you! Each + deals an
additional 1% damage.
Range: -1
You aren\'t so lucky with this weapon. For some reason, pickups seem
to spontaneously combust right before you get to them.
Null Entropy
Range: 1 to 6
Stops the target dead in it\'s tracks for a split second. Each + adds
2% more damage, and makes the rapidness at which you can repeat the
Null Entropy quicker. You can Null Entropy yourself.
NOTE: Null Entropy weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF
games, nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: -2 to 4
Shots fired by this weapon go through any players they hit (like the
zoom instagib beam does). NOTE: This does not apply to monsters,
only to human players. Each + (or -) does 2% more (or less) damage.
Range: -2 to 6
Damage from this weapon ignores damage reduction. Each + or - deals
2% more (or less) damage.
Range: 1 to 4
This weapon poisons those hit with it, causing additional damage to
them over time.
Range: 1 to 4
Each + reduces the amount of damage you take by 10% and deals an
additional 1% damage. In addition, if you are hit for lethal damage
(i.e., you take more damage than you have health), this weapon will
reduce you to 1 health instead (NOTE: this only applies to the first
lethal hit you take. After that, you\'re on your own.).
Range: 1 to 5
Each + adds a 5% quicker walk and 2% more damage.
Range: 6 to 10
This weapon deals a lot of damage, but also hurts you in the
process. Each + deals an additional 10% damage. 10% of the damage
you deal hits you as well (NOTE: This self-inflicted damage will not
drop you below 80 health).
Range: 1 to 7
This weapon has a chance to reflect damage dealt to you by energy
weapons (such as Skaarj energy). Each + increases your chance of
reflecting the damage. Each + adds 2% more damage.
Range: -5 to -1
Each - adds a 5% slower walk and 2% more damage.
Slow Motion:
Range: -1 to -6
This weapon slows down your projectiles or freezes them.
Range: -1 to 4
Enemy fire can\'t push you around while holding this weapon. Each
plus adds an additional 2% damage.
Range: 3 to 7
(Max Vampire is +50)
+3 = 6% more Damage and 7.5% Vampire
+4 = 8% more Damage and 10% Vampire (same As level 2 Vampire skill)
+5 = 10% more Damage and 12.5% Vampire
+6 = 12% more Damage and 15% Vampire (same As level 3 Vampire skill)
+7 = 14% more Damage and 17.5% Vampire
Range: 6 to 10
Has a % chance to instagib. You\'ll know when it does, it\'ll make
neat noises. Be careful, you can instagib yourself if you shoot it
and it reflects back at you (because of a wall, a shield, etc.).
+6 = 60% more Damage and 1% chance to instagib
+7 = 70% more Damage and 2% chance to instagib
+8 = 80% more Damage and 3% chance to instagib
+9 = 90% more Damage and 4% chance to instagib
+10 = 100% more Damage and 5% chance to instagib
Range: -3 to 5
A weapon with no text, only a +/- rating (e.g. \"Rocket Launcher +3\")
deals 10% more (for +) or less (for -) damage for each +/- (so a Bio
Rifle +3 deals 30% more damage).
Range: -2 to -1
This weapon takes adrenaline from you equal to 2% of the damage
caused by it for each minus.
Range: 1 to 3
Each + gives you adrenaline equal to 2% of the damage caused by it
and deals an additional 3% damage.
Range: 1 to 5
Each + makes projectiles shot by this weapon 20% faster and do an
additional 2% damage.
Range: 3 to 6
Slows the target down. Each + deals an additional 2% damage and
slows the target down for an additional second. And yes, you can
freeze yourself.
NOTE: Freezing weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF games,
nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: -3 to -1
Each minus deals an additional 1% damage to you.
Range: 1 to 3
(Max Healing is +50)
This weapon heals teammates (including pets and yourself in the case
of weapons such as the bio rifle). A message is displayed showing
you who has healed you. You can now also gain 10% experience for
healing others. You do not gain exp for healing yourself, or for
healing self-damage (e.g. if Arcadun hits himself with his own flak,
you can heal him but you do not gain exp for healing that portion of
the damage).
Range: -2 to 4
This weapon has infinite ammo. Each + (or -) does 3% more (or less)
Range: 2 to 6
The attributes of this weapon type are harder to express due to it\'s
complexity. At a high level, the more damage you do, the further
back your opponent will be pushed, and the more often you can repeat
the knockback. Each + deals an additional 2% damage.
NOTE: Knockback weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF games,
nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: 2 to 7
While holding this weapon, fortune smiles upon you. Useful pickups
seem to materialize out of thin air in front of you! Each + deals an
additional 1% damage.
Range: -1
You aren\'t so lucky with this weapon. For some reason, pickups seem
to spontaneously combust right before you get to them.
Null Entropy
Range: 1 to 6
Stops the target dead in it\'s tracks for a split second. Each + adds
2% more damage, and makes the rapidness at which you can repeat the
Null Entropy quicker. You can Null Entropy yourself.
NOTE: Null Entropy weapons do not affect the flag bearer in CTF
games, nor do they affect the ball carrier in bombing run games.
Range: -2 to 4
Shots fired by this weapon go through any players they hit (like the
zoom instagib beam does). NOTE: This does not apply to monsters,
only to human players. Each + (or -) does 2% more (or less) damage.
Range: -2 to 6
Damage from this weapon ignores damage reduction. Each + or - deals
2% more (or less) damage.
Range: 1 to 4
This weapon poisons those hit with it, causing additional damage to
them over time.
Range: 1 to 4
Each + reduces the amount of damage you take by 10% and deals an
additional 1% damage. In addition, if you are hit for lethal damage
(i.e., you take more damage than you have health), this weapon will
reduce you to 1 health instead (NOTE: this only applies to the first
lethal hit you take. After that, you\'re on your own.).
Range: 1 to 5
Each + adds a 5% quicker walk and 2% more damage.
Range: 6 to 10
This weapon deals a lot of damage, but also hurts you in the
process. Each + deals an additional 10% damage. 10% of the damage
you deal hits you as well (NOTE: This self-inflicted damage will not
drop you below 80 health).
Range: 1 to 7
This weapon has a chance to reflect damage dealt to you by energy
weapons (such as Skaarj energy). Each + increases your chance of
reflecting the damage. Each + adds 2% more damage.
Range: -5 to -1
Each - adds a 5% slower walk and 2% more damage.
Slow Motion:
Range: -1 to -6
This weapon slows down your projectiles or freezes them.
Range: -1 to 4
Enemy fire can\'t push you around while holding this weapon. Each
plus adds an additional 2% damage.
Range: 3 to 7
(Max Vampire is +50)
+3 = 6% more Damage and 7.5% Vampire
+4 = 8% more Damage and 10% Vampire (same As level 2 Vampire skill)
+5 = 10% more Damage and 12.5% Vampire
+6 = 12% more Damage and 15% Vampire (same As level 3 Vampire skill)
+7 = 14% more Damage and 17.5% Vampire
Range: 6 to 10
Has a % chance to instagib. You\'ll know when it does, it\'ll make
neat noises. Be careful, you can instagib yourself if you shoot it
and it reflects back at you (because of a wall, a shield, etc.).
+6 = 60% more Damage and 1% chance to instagib
+7 = 70% more Damage and 2% chance to instagib
+8 = 80% more Damage and 3% chance to instagib
+9 = 90% more Damage and 4% chance to instagib
+10 = 100% more Damage and 5% chance to instagib